Judges of the Latvian Sighthound and Coursing Club

Dog Show Judges

Ērgle Rasma

Rasma Ērgle

CACIB Judge (X FCI group)

Mob. t. +371 26779592
E-mail: rasma_ergle@inbox.lv

Liene Avotiņa

Liene Avotiņa

CACIB Judge (X FCI group)

Tālr.: +371 29 221704
E-mail: liene007@gmail.com

Lure Coursing Judges

Ingita Pole

Ingita Pole

International lure coursing judge

Tālr.: +371 29117452
E-mail: ingitapo@inbox.lv

Dzintra Staprena

Dzintra Staprena

International lure coursing judge

E-mail: dzintra_s@hotmail.com

Liene Avotiņa

Liene Avotiņa

International lure coursing judge

Tālr.: +371 29 221704
E-mail: liene007@gmail.com