25.07.2021. Club Winner - national lure coursing competition (CACL)
Latvian sighthound club invites for lure coursing competitions - on the 25th of July 2021 for National (CACL) «Club Winner» lure coursing competition, Raiskums parish.
Competition dogs will run for LV CACL, LV VCACL titles, best on the field winner prize and «Club Winner» title.
The competition will take place according to the valid and approved LKKK lure coursing rules published on kurti.lv. As well as taking into account the state of emergency established in the country, considering all prohibitions and restrictions regulated by the laws of the Republic of Latvia until the 25.07.2021. Follow for all changes and news on the LKKK page / event on Facebook, or on the club's official home page kurti.lv
Place of event
Raiskums (57.375397, 25.099624), LV-4146, LatvijaThe judges
Ingita Pole (Latvia), Liene Avotiņa (Latvia), Rytis Sapežinskas (Lithuania)The organizers have rights to change the judges if necessary.
Field track: natural fieldTrack length: 600-700 meters
Time schedule
Registration and veterinarian control will start at 8:00.Runs will start at 9:00 in the morning
(time might be changed).
In order to improve organization of the competition and the quality of all preparations for the lure coursing races, including run numbers lottery, further, for registration and veterinary inspections, please arrive on time. No registration and veterinary inspections will be available after the scheduled time, so the dog will not participate in races or will participate only after competition judges’ decision to allow to register the dog for the competition and to pass the veterinary examination after the end of the scheduled time!!!!!!!
As well, please, when submitting for the registration Candidate participant's certificates and any other documents, make sure that no excess papers, certificates, etc. are left in the submitted papers.
Registered dogs:
- Ibizan Hound (1 ♂ + 1 ♀)
- Borzoi (1 ♂ + 1 ♀)
- Italian Sighthound (0 ♂ + 4 ♀)
- Magyar Agar (1 ♂ + 2 ♀)
- Saluki (11 ♂ + 1 ♀)
- Cirneco Dell'Etna (0 ♂ + 2 ♀)
- Whippet (4 ♂ + 5 ♀)
- Rhodesian Ridgeback (0 ♂ + 2 ♀)
- Basenji (4 ♂ + 1 ♀)
Registration (online) is open on the 30th of June 2021 and will be closed on the 21th of July 2021.Please attach also LKKK member card, Payment order or letter of guarantee written in free form. When applying for „International lure coursing champion candidate” certificate (CACIL), please attach CACIB ranking exhibition a description copy with evaluation not less than „Very good”.
Suņiem, kuru īpašnieki dzīvo Latvijā, līdz pieteikšanās brīdim izstādēm ir jābūt reģistrētiem Lauksaimniecības datu centra bāzē.
Participants amount is limited!!!
You could also apply for a lure coursing licensing - By writing the application in a free form, indicating the dog - name, date of birth, sex, breed, owner. Attaching the LKKK / LKF membership card, as well as a payment order (making the payment to the account attached below) or a letter of guarantee written in a free form. Licensing fee for LKKK members is 17 EUR, for LKF members - 20 EUR. At
Payment for competition
LKKK biedriem / LKKK members:1st dog = 20 EUR
2nd dog = 18 EUR*
3rd dog = 18 EUR*
4th dog - for free (bezmaksas)*
5th-7th dog = 18 EUR*
Ne LKKK biedriem / Not LKKK members:
1st dog = 25 EUR
2nd dog = 23 EUR*
3rd dog = 23 EUR*
4th dog - for free (bezmaksas)*
5th - 7th dog = 23 EUR
* Discount is applied only for the one dog's owner.
Attention!! Payment for competition need to be processed through LKKK bank account or, please, add a payment guarantee letter.
Latvijas kurtu un kursinga klubs,
Reg. No. 40008013338,
Payment for competition will be refunded only in case of justified case of non-appearance validated by veterinarian (bitch oestrum or bitch/dog death case).Veterinarian's confirmed statement should be provided not later than three days after the competition day.
General rules
1. To fulfill the requirements of the organizers;
2. Ensure that only healthy dogs enter the competition. Be sure to check the dog's nail length before the competition. If necessary, lock the overhead fingers.
3. Ensure that the dog is fasted for 6 hours prior to the competition.
4. From the moment of getting out of the vehicle until the end of the race, dogs are only to be escorted. It is strictly forbidden to use "Flex" type leashes during the race!
5. The dog must be intensively guided for at least five minutes before running. After running (walking or jogging) - until breathing and heart activity return to normal.
6. When running dogs, non-running dogs should be kept on short leashes or kept in cages, vehicles (with windows open in the summer or with air conditioner on). The owner or guide must ensure that their dogs do not endanger themselves or the running dogs.
7. If a leash dog (collapsed, non-collapsed) interferes with a running run and injures runaway dogs - the owner or handler of the escaped dog must compensate the owner (s) of the injured dog (s) for any material damage suffered.
8. A runaway dog is disqualified according to Lure Coursing Rules.
9. Photographers (who wish to be on the track) must coordinate their location with the organizer or judges.
10. It is forbidden to fly drones over the course to avoid disturbing the dogs.
11. The muzzles for the dogs must be in a suitable size and must not be technically damaged. Dogs with unsuitable muzzles will not be allowed to start.
2. Ensure that only healthy dogs enter the competition. Be sure to check the dog's nail length before the competition. If necessary, lock the overhead fingers.
3. Ensure that the dog is fasted for 6 hours prior to the competition.
4. From the moment of getting out of the vehicle until the end of the race, dogs are only to be escorted. It is strictly forbidden to use "Flex" type leashes during the race!
5. The dog must be intensively guided for at least five minutes before running. After running (walking or jogging) - until breathing and heart activity return to normal.
6. When running dogs, non-running dogs should be kept on short leashes or kept in cages, vehicles (with windows open in the summer or with air conditioner on). The owner or guide must ensure that their dogs do not endanger themselves or the running dogs.
7. If a leash dog (collapsed, non-collapsed) interferes with a running run and injures runaway dogs - the owner or handler of the escaped dog must compensate the owner (s) of the injured dog (s) for any material damage suffered.
8. A runaway dog is disqualified according to Lure Coursing Rules.
9. Photographers (who wish to be on the track) must coordinate their location with the organizer or judges.
10. It is forbidden to fly drones over the course to avoid disturbing the dogs.
11. The muzzles for the dogs must be in a suitable size and must not be technically damaged. Dogs with unsuitable muzzles will not be allowed to start.
If you have any questions, please contact us at lkkk-kursing@inbox.lv